Pass out schools in international context

Előadó: Csehné Papp Imola - Rudnák Ildikó

Csehné dr. habil. Papp Imola - SZIE GTK TTI igazgató, egyetemi docens, tanszékvezető
Dr. habil. Rudnák Ildikó - SZIE GTK TTI igazgatóhelyettes, egyetemi docens, tanszékvezető

Előadás absztrakt:

The adaptable, dynamic and skilled workforce is indispensable to maintain and increase economic competitiveness. The right conditions can be achieved by the harmony of education policy and employment policy. The basic skills of children are often not developed to the extent necessary by the school, so they are unable to process the curriculum. Various mechanisms of frustration, extermination and segregation lead to turning away from school, rejecting all learning. Based on research it is well-known that the difficulties do not arise where they become visible and cause problems. This means that problem management should not begin in adolescence, and resources should not be concentrated at that time. The labour market is hardly needed by those young people who go down without a high school or professional certificate. The purpose of the international literature review under this study, to provide a theoretical background for a new, domestic drop-out research.